Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 7: Straight to Lunch

Day 7: Straight to Lunch

Last night, I stayed up late to make Silver Queen Corn Saute specifically for lunch today. I wanted to make it yesterday because I had picked some delicious sweet corn at my sponsors’ on Sunday and I wanted to use it while it was still fresh. This may be one of the simplest dishes in the cookbook—it’s just corn, peppers, cilantro and bacon (naturally with a healthy dose of butter)—but it was also one of the best so far. It kept well overnight and I brought it in for lunch for me and BigKip. He said the yellow peppers I used (even though Patrick said red…I didn’t do well with shopping, remember) really brought the dish together. However, I think the key is good, quality corn. Fortunately, my sponsor dad gave me some excellent fruits and vegetables to use in this week’s recipes. The tomatoes last night were from Homestead Gardens and today’s corn was also. I’m anticipating using the peaches later this week when I have BigKip and the Senator over for dinner.

It turned out to be a good thing that I made two recipes last night because once again, I had a poor shopping experience. The commissary had no seafood department, and the store next to me had no trout (I couldn’t remember how much rockfish Patrick wanted or how to cut it); so still I am without the Potato Crusted Rainbow Trout. One of these days I’m sure I’ll have it…I believe!

So tonight, I confess, I ordered a pizza, watched The Usual Suspects and only made a couple of batches of Basic Pie Dough for later in the week. The pizza was delicious, the movie was excellent, and the pie dough was very fun to make (I suppose that's where they came up with the idea for play-dough). I feel a little guilty...but not that bad.

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