Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 37: Chilled Grilled and Nothing Spilled

Ah! Finally, my blog is sort of working (if random formatting occurs, I promise it's not my fault) and I can post something about what I've been up to.
I spent most of last night with a massive ham in the oven.  I believe it's 13 lbs.  This seems like a lot for one person, and it is.  However, Patrick likes to use Virginia country ham quite a bit, so I'm confident I can get through it.  Plus, I have to build up my repertoire of recipes and ideas for the 2010 International Ham Day.  What's this?  You've never heard of Ham Day?  Well, I'll have a guest blogger on in a bit to share the history and lore of Ham Day, but go ahead and prepare yourself for this September 20th (it's a Monday) when you too can celebrate a little bit of ham in all your meals.

Tonight was another cold starter for dinner night:  Chilled Grilled Black Mission Figs with Virginia Country Ham and Lime Cream.  Now, these weren't fresh black mission figs.  I don't think I've ever even seen figs in the store, but I was able to buy some when I was in the Burgh a bit ago.  However, even things that aren't quite fresh, when sprinkled with enough cinnamon and sugar, become delicious.  The ham is too salty, and I was pretty sure that it was going to be, but I don't know that there is anything I can do about that now.  The lime cream is good (I got to whip more cream tonight), and at first I didn't pipe on enough--yeah, I got to use my new pastry bag tonight!--but I though I actually did pipe on too much for the visual effect given.    So, if I were serving this again, I think I would have to make a compromise and (shocking that I'm putting presentation over taste) probably leave just enough cream on for effect, but not overpower it for the sake of taste.  I could always have the cream on the side for a little extra flavor if folks want.  At any rate, the dish tasted okay.  I definitely think some things could be done differently, but I don't think it was by any means a failure dish...just not a huge success.

p.s.  I also just found out that tomorrow is Swervin's birthday.  I wish I had figured that out a little earlier or I could have made a birthday something for him and his family.  I'm not sure if there is anything I can whip together tonight or tomorrow.  I don't even have any pie dough made.  Blast.

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